Bumper Car

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

Using an old shell of an actual bumbler car, it was used as the base for the taxi make for the production of Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The shell was old, rotten, falling apart and completely coated with fibreglass on the inside. Our first task was to completely remove all old, rotten and unsafe parts of this, which included ripping the inside out using a sabre saw, hand saw and hammers, while practicng safe working, as it was compleatly covered with fibreglass. We also had a bike that we would attach to the shell allowing two actors to sit and operate the car on stage. It was decided that we would split the car in half, Marcha would work on making and attaching the seat, and I would work on the front piece of the car, working out how to securely attach the bike to the shell, insert real car lights, and intenally make holding spaces for light batteries. I essentially made a b ox that was slightly smaller than the shell so it could slot in to it, then i drilled holes through the shell that lined up with hols on the bike frame so I could thread bolts through to secure it. Aesthetically I opted to use polystyrene to bulk out the shape and then filled it out with expanding foam, before carving it down, scrimming, and painting. 


The Sheman Theatre, Cardiff 2023

Director: Eva Sampson 

Designer: Yijing Chen

Production Photographer: Kirsten McTernan

Scenic communicator: Amelia O’Toole 

Scenic Team: Grace Rumsey, Mayzey Green, Milly Williams, Marcha Goodchild 

Co-Bumper Car Marker: Marcha Goodchild 

© 2024 Milly Williams

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